“Just the type of senior Silk you want in your corner in a challenging commercial case”

Timescales, Fees & Complaints
“Just the type of senior Silk you want in your corner in a challenging commercial case”
Timescales, Fees & Complaints
We appreciate that work is very often time sensitive. We will endeavour to understand the timescale involved and whether Philip can comply with it before each instruction is accepted, we will also keep you informed as to the progress of the work undertaken.
We are very aware that our clients are often under pressure to reduce costs and Philip is familiar with operating under a variety of fee arrangements.
Kevin Moore has a wealth of experience in agreeing a range of different cost models from traditional brief and refresher fees, hourly rates to capped fee arrangements. Clients appreciate his open and commercial approach to fee negotiation and his willingness to work with realistic budgets.
We agree to bill for work promptly once completed or at agreed billing dates and ask our clients to observe our 30 day terms for payment unless agreed otherwise.
Philip is a sole practitioner registered with the Bar Standards Board (BSB) of England & Wales. He is governed by the Code of Conduct of the Bar of England & Wales which is available in English on the BSB website.
Terms and Conditions
Philip’s general terms and conditions on which he provides his services are set out here. In some instances it may be possible to agree alternative bespoke terms; please contact Kevin Moore for a preliminary discussion.
Philip has professional liability insurance arranged through the Bar Mutual Indemnity Fund: 90 Fenchurch Street, London, EC3M 4ST. Territorial coverage is world-wide, subject to the terms of the Bar Mutual.
Philip and Kevin work hard to ensure that all their clients are completely satisfied with the service they receive. However, in the event that you have a complaint you are encouraged to speak to Kevin Moore at the earliest possible opportunity by telephone or in writing in order to seek a prompt resolution. If you are not satisfied with the response from Chambers you are entitled to complain to the Legal Ombudsman on 0300 555 0333 or visit.